Vocational Training & Apprenticeship
Vocational Training
Develop Sustainability has integrated a variety of Vocational Apprenticeship Programs; including most aspects of construction, carpentry, sewing, diversified add-value farming, aquaponics, landscape design and aquaponics. We provide hands-on skills training to the under-educated and the under-employed youth of Uganda. The country is expanding infrastructurally, despite the poverty that dwells within it. These trades, especially combined with a new level of quality craftsmanship— are locally in-demand and make sense for the diversity of our commmunity.
We often refer to this concept as— "jobs that make sense." We provide demonstration, instruction and participation in practical skills, with a hands-on approach to teaching and to learning. Young people apply new techniques, improve their existing skills and focus on the quality of their service delivery. They learn to estimate accurately and complete their Trades, in a systematic way. Our functional programs incorporate mentorship, to teach young people how to better support themselves— longterm. We strive to create an income base for tomorrow’s families, through skills, ability, persistence and courage! We lead them to be job-creators, not just qualified job-seekers.
We mentor integrity and excellence as we teach practical skills. Develop Sustainability combines community projects with skills practices-- showing young people that they can use their vocations to improve their families and communities. We utilize the contributions of resourceful & skilled visiting teams, local tradespeople, and our own skills and experiences - to teach practical trades to those that have had less opportunities and access to formal education, breaking some of the barriers for the largely under-educated sectors of Uganda.
Current Apprenticeship Programs;
Wood-working & furniture building
Welding and Metal Fabrication
Landscape Design
Tailoring & Sewing skills
Hair & Beauty
Add-Value Farming
Agriculture & Horticulture
Aquaponics & Symbiotic Fish Farming
Apiculture (Bee Keeping and Honey production)
Organic Fertilizeration & Pest Control
Food Preservation
Small Business accounting and basic management systems
Construction architecture
Our programs teach skills and practices that students can begin to apply immediately. They are given the opportunity to use their hands and their minds to increase their own successes. Through hands-on vocational apprenticeship, business management training and lifeskills mentorship— we facilitate self-sustainability and encourage a focus towards continuing to expand their potential.
Apprentices spend 6-months to 3-years developing their skills with Develop Sustainability Programs. And some of our more promising participants then become leaders in these programs. It is a beautiful cycle. We offer optional programs for apprenticeship during traditional school breaks, for those that are able to pursue their formal educations. Our programs expand and refine their resourcefulness & skills— to help them find gainful employment, start businesses and to provide general support to their families.
Develop Sustainability Org. offers people of any background the opportunity to learn skills and to create new mindsets that will help them to rise above their life struggles.