Develop Sustainability Organization
We exist, to impact poverty— through the development of sustainable opportunities.
We empower communities towards self-reliance through vocational apprenticeship, demonstration projects and economic growth solutions. Our goal is to create transitional pathways for the under-educated and those struggling in poverty; towards collective and individual growth and sustainability.
We believe that when knowledge & opportunity are combined— people will inherently improve the way that they advocate for their families, maintain their communities & apply themselves to life.
Long-term stability manifests with improved access to education, vocational training & new market exposure.
Developing strong economic & socially connected communities, is the most efficient way to create long-term sustainability for rural growth and those living in deep deficit.
It is what we do…
We empower people to pursue their talents, to expand their skills and to work toward individual and collective community success. We decrease the risk of victimization & poverty, by developing a culture that is NOT based on dependency.
We work towards expanding potentials through our Apprenticeship Program, Outreach Programs and Community Projects. We believe that by increasing practical skills & vocational abilities— people will find more economic freedom and expanded opportunities. We provide training, exposure and mentorship with a new methodology for sustainable food production and income generating business practices. We provide a variety of demonstration projects — teaching new skills and enhancing existing ones, while demonstrating efficient ways to modify and utilize existing aptitudes & resources.
Develop Sustainability promotes a foundational community connection and encourages individuals to move away from a lifestyle of dependency and apathy, and into one of effort, hardwork and integrity. Our programs expand abilities, build confidence and guide young people to apply their natural and learned skills & talents— to create their own sustainability. We work within communities, to model the work ethics and effective methodology required to achieve new and long-lasting success.
Our goals include Apprentices completing their programs with marketable skills, tools and knowledge that will empower them to keep improving their outcomes and potentials. Our programs demonstrate effective problem-solving, marketable use of innovation, and applied excellence. We set performance expectations and practical training levels -high-, to exemplify methods to exceed industry norms and to create exemplary levels of professional and personal performance. We build foundations of integrity and strong work ethics to create a climate of positivity and growth, within rural communities. Our apprentices graduate from programs with practicum experience in a variety of trade skills, and the trade tools needed to begin businesses— or to be a positive and competent asset to an employer. We encourage individual and community success, while providing improved standards of conduct, integrity, organization and enhanced trade skills. Develop Sustainability Programs demonstrate sustainable practices, as we encourage community cooperation. We work within communities, to increase the tangibility of a Sustainable Future.